Active Agreement Documents in Nevada
The Nevada SHPO has made every reasonable effort to post most of the executed and still active Programmatic Agreements (PA) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) in Nevada. You may request a copy of any document not listed here by completing and submitting a Public Records request. Helpful information about the preparation of Agreements can be found on the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's (ACHP) website here. An ACHP white paper on the types of Agreement Document that can be executed and when they should be used is here. It is also possible that the Nevada SHPO did not receive the final executed and active document. In those instances, please contact the appropriate federal agency to obtain a copy.
Please Note: The SHPO has determined that most, but not all, of the following agreements meet the terms found in NRS 383.121.9(b) and/or NRS 383.710.3(b) for an “existing agreement with a federal agency that was executed pursuant to federal law and that relates to the discovery of prehistoric native Indian human remains or a funerary object.” The SHPO has determined that execution of these documents means that the provisions for notification found in NRS 383.121.3 through NRS 383.121.7 and/or NRS 383.170.1 as amended, do not apply. Please read the specific documents to determine applicability.
Please note: agreement documents are negotiated with the SHPO and other consulting parties. Please do not use any of these documents as a template as each is negotiated to address specific and sometimes unique circumstances. It is always advisable to contact the SHPO before initiating the development of such a document. Sending a completed document to any signatory without negotiating its contents is never advisable and may result in delays in the execution of the document.
General Agreements with Multiple Agencies
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Carson City
- Clark County
- Elko County
- Washoe County
Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Clark County
Elko County
Bureau of Land Management
Clark County
Churchill County
Elko County
Long Canyon Project PA, Amendment #1, and Amendment #2
Railroad Mineral Exploration (2012) MOA, Amendment #1, and Revised MOA (2018)
Data Recovery at 26Ek16440, 26EK16485, and 26EK16514 MOA and Map (not part of agreement)
- Esmeralda County
- Eureka County
Humboldt County
Lander County
Reona Project PA and Amendment #1
Lincoln County
Lyon County
Nye County
Pershing County
Storey County
Washoe County
White Pine County
Multiple Counties
Eureka and Lander: Mineral Exploration and Development of Barrick Cortez's Properties in the Cortez Area PA
Douglas, Lyon, and Carson: Pine Nut Land Heath Project PA
Lincoln and White Pine Counties: Conveyance of 11,723 Acres of Public land to the State of Nevada as Mandated by the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 and the White Pine County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2006 PA
White Pine and Elko Counties: Overland Pass Habitat Improvement Project PA
Lincoln and Clark Counties: Transwest Express PA
Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine Counties: SNWA Groundwater Development Project PA
Douglas, Lyon, and Carson City: Pine Nut Forest Health PA
Nye and Lincoln Counties: Watershed Assessment in the Caliente Field Office PA
White Pine and Lincoln Counties: South Spring and Hamblin Watershed Restoration Project PA
White Pine and Eureka Counties: Midway Gold US Inc. Gold Rock Project PA
Humboldt and Pershing Counties: Hycroft Phase II Expansion MOA
Churchill and Pershing Counties: Dixie Meadows Geothermal Development Project MOA and Amendment
BLM Nationwide PA (2012) and Amendment #1 or here at the BLM Website
Solar Energy Development PA (applies to Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah)
BLM California State Protocol Agreement and Extention to 2026
Bureau of Reclamation
- Churchill
- Clark County
Lyon County
Multiple Counties:
U.S. Department of Energy
- DOE Modernization and Operational Maintenance of the Nevada National Security Site at Mercury PA with Revised Appendix C for FFY24
- Remodeling of Building 03-53 (Area 3) at Sandia National Laboratories, Tonopah Test Range, Nevada MOA
- Corrective Action Activities and Demolition of the Engine Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly Facility and the Test Cell C Historic District, Major Components of the Nuclear Rocket Development Station Historic District Located in Area 25 at the Nevada National Security Site MOA
- Demolition and Removal of Ten Architectural Resources at Located in Area 12 MOA
- Demolition and Disposition of Tower 02-00 at Sandia National Laboratories, Tonopah Test Range MOA
- Signals Exploration Testbed (SET) Project in Area 26 of the Nevada National Security Site MOA
Multiple Counties
U.S. Department of Interior
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Wendover Airport MOA
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Railroad Administration
U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
Mineral Exploration for the National Exploration Project in Humboldt County
East Walker Habitat Improvement PA with Amendment #1 and Amendment #2
North Washoe Valley Wildfire Risk Reduction and Ecosystem Enhancement Project PA
Pack Station Operations & One Outfitter Guide Operation in the Inyo and Sierra National Forests PA
Region 5 PA and Amendment #1
California 120kv Transmission Line by NV Energy on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Carson Ranger District, Washoe County, Nevada and Sierra County, California MOA and Amendment #1 and Amendment #2
General Services Administration (GSA)
Preservation, Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Use of Historic Properties and Consideration of Historic Properties in Planning Activities PA and Amendment #1
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Clark County
Mineral County
Washoe County
White Pine County
U.S. Highway Administration (FHWA)
Nye County
Washoe County
- Multiple Counties
National Endowment for the Arts
- Multiple Counties
National Park Service (NPS)
White Pine County
Clark County
- Nationwide
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- Prototype Programmatic Agreement Regarding Conservation Assistance PA
- West Wash Dam Project, Washoe County MOA
U.S. Navy
Churchill County
U.S. Rural Development Administration
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Building 1 Seismic Upgrade and Clinical Expansion at the Veterans Affairs Sierra Nevada Health Care System MOA and Amendment #1
- Routine Maintenance Operation Activities at the Veterans Affairs Sierra Nevada Health Care System PA
- Purchase of Land for Medical Center Expansion and Parking MOA and Amendment #1