Parks with Volunteer Opportunities

Parks provide numerous opportunities to see Nevada’s history where it was made. There are many opportunities to assist with the preservation of these important places. The best way to get involved is to VISIT the parks and LEARN about these important places. Then VOLUNTEER your time to assist the park with preservation.  

VISIT-parks generate funds from entry fees but also report the number of visitors for future funding.

LEARN- many parks have great visitor’s centers where volunteers and staff are eager to provide visitors with information on the area. There are also interpreted signs at points of interest to visit throughout many parks. Some parks even provide guided hikes and other events you may attend.

VOLUNTEER- parks are often in need of volunteers to assist with many duties from maintenance assistance to providing visitors with information.


Local Parks

Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area 

Death Valley National Park 

Great Basin National Park 

Lake Mead National Recreation Area 

Nevada State Parks 

Red Rock National Conservation Area 

Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area 


Other Cultural Resource Preservation Volunteer Opportunities - Federal Agencies Nationwide 

Passport in Time - USFS Forest Service Nationwide