Other Opportunities to Get Involved
Preservation works best when individuals and groups of people come together to learn about, speak about, and preserve the places important to them and their communities. Check out some of the links below to learn about other groups that need volunteers to support historic preservation and preserve places that matter in your area.
- Cultural Resource Preservation Groups - These groups are dedicated specifically to resource preservation and advocate for preservation principles and practices in their local communities, in Nevada, and in the nation.
- Friends Groups - Many locations have a non-profit organization or a private group dedicated to teaching people about that place and ensuring its preservation for future generations. These groups are made up of people like you who care a lot about a specific place.
- Historical Societies - To keep the records and stories of a local community, many citizens have organized historical societies that often hold educational events, maintain museums or historical sites, or maintain archives about local or regional history. Historical societies depend on active and engaged volunteers to be successful.
- Museums - Often run by non-profit groups like historical societies, or by your local government, museums are a great place to learn about your community's history, and are usually looking for volunteers to keep the doors open and the programs running.
- Parks with Volunteer Opportunities - Many federal, state, and local parks depend on volunteers to support their programs and to help with service projects to maintain these important places.
How Preservation Supports Your Community - Aside from all of these helpful organizations, there are many other things you can do to support preservation in your community. Check out some great ways to bring history alive near your home.
Materials For Educators - Inspiring the younger generation to get involved in cultural preservation begins in the classroom. This page includes resource links for both teachers and students.