5G Telecommunications Projects - FCC

Nevada SHPO Guidance for Section 106 Project Review of Small Cell 5G Submissions

It is the applicant/consultant’s responsibility, on behalf of the FCC, to determine if either of the FCC’s Nationwide Programmatic Agreements, as amended, are applicable for any proposed small cell 5G project: 

The Nevada SHPO will accept a single submission that includes multiple proposed small cell 5G node installations. For the public to fully understand the effects of the proposed undertaking, the Nevada SHPO recommends one submittal especially for multiple nodes proposed within the boundary of a National Register listed or previously determined eligible historic district. A single submittal is also appropriate within central business/downtown districts, utility corridors, transportation corridors, university campuses, subdivisions (especially those with HOAs), and similar.

Until and unless the FCC instructs otherwise, if the existing, replacement, or new utility pole and/or streetlight is equal to or less than 50 feet in height, the proposed Area of Potential Effect (APE) around the utility pole and/or streetlight may have a minimum 500-foot radius.  If multiple poles or streetlights with 500-foot radii overlap, the APE should be defined to include the outer extent of all the radii.  Based on the topography or built environment surrounding the project, the APE may need to increase depending on the nature of the undertaking and the potential visibility within the urban or rural landscape.  The applicant/consultant must provide written justification for the proposed APE and must consider all potential direct/physical, visual, atmospheric, auditory, and cumulative effects.  Justification should include photo documentation keyed to a map that clearly shows the extent of proposed visual effects of the project. 

A letter report format for these submissions is acceptable to the Nevada SHPO.  We recommend including the Nevada SHPO’s coversheet/checklist as it includes the minimum information required for Section 106 review with our office:   https://shpo.nv.gov/welcome-to-review-and-compliance/compliance-forms

To facilitate the Nevada SHPO’s review, please include the following in submissions:

  • total acreage involved in the project
  • the height and location of all proposed poles within the undertaking
  • a manufacturer’s cut sheet or drawing illustrating the pole type, design, and all proposed equipment
  • If replacement poles will be installed in the same location as the pole being removed, please confirm that the pole position will remain the same

This guidance may be updated–please check the Nevada SHPO’s website prior to submission. 
