National Register of Historic Places

Created in 1966 as a result of the National Historic Preservation Act, the National Register of Historic Places (or NRHP) is the nation’s official list of properties worthy of preservation. It is kept by the National Park Service (NPS), with significant support from state historic preservation offices, local governments, non-profit organizations, and everyday citizens. The National Register recognizes those places that have significance to the past in a local, state, or national context, and possess strong physical integrity to the period during which they were important. This can include places important for the stories they tell about the past, for excellence in design, or for the evidence they retain about the way past peoples lived. To be eligible, a resource can be a building, structure, site, or object. They might also be a larger landscape, or a concentration of any of these types of resources, known as a historic district.

To find out what properties may be listed in your neighborhood, download this list, or check the Nevada Historic Resources Map

Want to learn more? Check out these Frequently Asked Questions, or visit the NPS website for the National Register of Historic Places.

How to Apply for Listing

Nominating an important place to the National Register is an excellent way to recognize its historic value, but does take some time and dedication on the part of the person applying to be successful. The Nevada SHPO strongly encourages prospective applicants to first contact the National Register Coordinator, complete the screening questionnaire, and supply a brief history and current photographs of the property before beginning a nomination. 

There is a lot of guidance available from the Nevada SHPO and the NPS about how to nominate properties to the National Register. Please consult the Nevada SHPO NRHP Manual (rev. 2017) prior to beginning a nomination. You may also want to consider guidance from the NPS about the National Register, including How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (formerly NR Bulletin 16a). If you have any questions during the application process, the Nevada National Register Coordinator is your resource and can be contacted at any time to answer questions, provide advice, or provide clarification on National Register policies and procedures. 


For questions about the National Register of Historic Places, or to begin the nomination process for a property please contact:

Jean-Guy Tanner Dubé
National and State Register Coordinator
Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
jean.dube [at]
(775) 684-3439
901 S. Stewart St., Suite 3002
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: (775) 684-3442