Public Records Requests

Requests for public records consistent with the State of Nevada's Public Records statutes (NRS 239) for public books and public records not determined to be confidential or privileged will be made available for public view or copy. Requests must be submitted in writing to determine if a public record exists with NSHPO and to inspect or copy the physical file.

  • For your convenience, the NSHPO has made most National and State Register nomination forms for individual places and districts available in PDF format through the Historic Places map page

  • If you are requesting cultural resource inventory information, please contact NVCRIS (Nevada Cultural Resource Inventory System) at nvcris [at]

File requests should be made in reference to specific materials or actions.  All request should be directed to the Public Records Officer listed below:

Mailing address:

Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
Attn: Rebecca Palmer, Public Records Officer
901 S. Stewart St., Suite 5004
Carson City NV 89701
Phone: (775) 684-3445
Fax: (775) 684-3442
Email: rlpalmer [at] 

Public Records Request Form

Public Records Request Form for Comstock Historic District Commission Records Only

Upon receipt of the request, the Public Records Officer will forward the request to the appropriate NSHPO employee. A response will be sent to the requestor advising whether or not files exist and, if the employee has the files, specific information will be sent in regard to making arrangements to view the files or obtain copies.  If the request is for electronic records, and the request contains records that are larger than can be submitted via email or require the a significant number of records, the NSHPO will place the records on the public-facing FTP site: 



Username: shpo_public

              Password: SHPO@9876  

Fee Schedule:

  • SHPO will provide up to 50 copies of records at no charge.  
  • For copy jobs over 50 pages SHPO will charge:
    • $.25 for black and white per page
    • $.30 for color per page.
  • There is no charge for governmental entities.