CCCHP FY17/18 Grant Cycle

Grants Awarded FY17 - FY18 

Grants Manual (entire document in one large PDF)    The Commission encourages all Grant recipients to read this Manual.

The FY17/18 Grant Cycle is closed.  The FY19/20 grant cycle is planned and the Commission will set the schedule in the Summer of 2019.        

The purpose of the forms and the guidelines is to define responsibilities and requirements that will assist the project director and the financial manager in management of their grant.

In an effort to meet generally accepted accounting practices, a grantee receiving Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation (CCCHP) funding must comply with provisions of State Administrative Manual.   A grantee may also look to the National Park Service Historic Preservation Grants Manual, and other applicable regulations for additional or expanded guidance.

Additionally, grantees shall comply with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (Standards).   Although initially created by the National Park Service for federally funded projects, the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has adopted these Standards for use at the state level since these guidelines represent the latest philosophy in preservation approaches and techniques.   These Standards may be found HERE.

For smaller file sizes, the Manual has been broken to to separate parts here:

          Grant Manual (without Appendices)

          Appendix I

          Appendix II

          Appendix III

                    Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

                    NRS 332 : Purchasing : Local Governments

                    NRS 383: Historic Preservation and Archaeology (CCCHP in NRS 383.500)

Individual Forms for CCCHP 2017-2018 Grant Cycle

      Page 50 - Important Dates (this information will be filled in by SHPO when Grantee receive their Funding Agreement packages)

      Pages 51 and 52 - CCCHP Reimbursement Request Checklist

      Page 53 - Certification Letter

      Page 54 - Value of Donated Material

      Page 55 - Value of Donated Equipment

      Page 56 - Value of Donated Labor

      Page 57 - CCCHP Reimbursement Request 2017

      Page 58 - Property Record Form

      Page 59 - Competitive Negotiation and Small Purchase Contract Documentation

      Page 60 - Travel Expense Reimbursement Claim

      Page 61 - Project Change Request

      Page 62 - Project Change Request Continuation Form

      Page 63 - Quarterly Progress Report

      Page 63 - Final Report Format (Example)

If you have any questions about the application or the Grant Manual, please contact Rebecca Palmer at 775-684-3443 or by email at rlpalmer [at]     

Form to Request Permission to Undertake Structural or Visual Alterations to a property with CCA or CCCHP covenants (Word Version)

Form to Request Permission to Undertake Structural or Visual Alterations to a property with CCA or CCCHP covenants (PDF Version)

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