National Register Internship

The Nevada SHPO’s Carson City office infrequently offers internships for currently enrolled graduate students majoring in preservation-related fields (history, archaeology, architecture, planning, etc.). Opportunities here will explore how the National Register of Historic Places is integrated into multiple aspects of the nation’s historic preservation network. From identification, to preservation planning and treatment, to community outreach and education, the National Register is one of the most instrumental tools available in the preservation landscape of the United States. Internships in this area will develop skills related to the documentation and nomination of significant places to the National Register, including researching and writing nomination forms, and conducting architectural resource evaluations for eligibility in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Opportunities to learn about Nevada's State Register of Historic Places may also be available. 

Interns will:

  1. Learn the roles and responsibilities of professional historians, archaeologist, and architectural historians working for the State Historic Preservation Office, federal land-management agencies, and cultural resource management firms.
  2. Explore the purpose of the National and Nevada state historic registers, the laws that established them, and the process for nominating, listing, and maintaining a property to the standards of the National Historic Preservation Act, Nevada RS 383.085, and the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties.
  3. Develop architectural survey data and translate those findings into information the general public and/or interested stakeholders can understand.
  4. Consider the benefits and short comings of working as an historian, archaeologist, or architectural historian in a public environment. This will include an understanding of available resources, the application of laws, reporting standards, limitations of agency mandates, and the importance of interacting with the general public.

Please note that these internships are currently unpaid, unless alternate arrangements are made with your academic institution. The internship coordinator is happy to work with university students, professors, and internship advisers to allow interns to take this as a credited class.

The National Register internship is dependant on staff availability and is not available annually. For more information about National Register internships, contact:

Jean-Guy Tanner Dubé
National Register Coordinator
(775) 684-3448
shpo-info [at]