Contact Us
Main Phone: 775-684-3448
Main Email: shpo-info [at]
Main Office (all program areas):
901 South Stewart, Suite 5004; Carson City NV 89701
Southern Nevada Office (Stewardship Program):
4747 Vegas Drive, Building B; Las Vegas NV 89108
Comstock Historic District Commission / Comstock History Center:
PO Box 128, 20 North “E” Street; Virginia City NV 89440
Staff List
Vacant, State Historic Preservation Officer
775-684-3448 - Email:
Robin K. Reed, Acting Administrator/Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
775-684-3448 - Email: rreed [at]
Review and Compliance, Historic Tax Incentives
Carolyn M. Furin, Administrative Assistant
775-684-3448 - Email: c.furin [at]
Office Management, General Information
Review and Compliance
Georgie De Antoni, Review & Compliance Supervisor, Archaeologist
775-684-3445 Email: gdeantoni [at]
Section 106 Reviews, Technical Reviews under NRS 383.121
Lori Rayner, Archaeological Reviewer
775-684-3450 Email: lrayner [at]
Section 106 Reviews, Education Outreach
Vacant, Archaeologist
775-684-3448 Email: shpo-info [at]
Section 106 Reviews, Education Outreach
Susan Sheppard, Architectural Historian
4747 Vegas Drive; Building B, Las Vegas, NV 89108
702-486-5011 - Email: susan.sheppard [at]
Section 106 Reviews, Technical Reviews under NRS 383.121
Other Programs
Vacant, Programs Supervisor, Architectural Historian
775-684-3448 email: shpo-info [at]
National and State Historic Registers, Certified Local Governments
CCCHP, HPF Subgrants, and Federal Grants to SHPO
Jean-Guy Tanner Dubé, Architectural Historian
775-684-3439 and email: jean.dubé [at]
National and State Historic Registers, Certified Local Governments
Carla Cloud, Grants Manager
775-684-3441 - Email: ccloud [at]
CCCHP, HPF Subgrants, and Federal Grants to SHPO
Karyn de Dufour, Archaeologist
775-684-3447 - Email: kdedufour [at]
NVCRIS Program Manager, Survey and Inventory
Samantha Rubinson, Archaeologist
4747 Vegas Drive, Building B, Las Vegas, NV 89108
702-486-5011 - Email: srubinson [at]
Site Stewardship Coordinator, Manager of Southern Nevada SHPO Office
Comstock Historic District
Shelley Smith, Comstock Preservation and History Officer
775-847-0281 - Email: shelley.smith [at]
Comstock Historic District Commission
Michael Sprinkle, Facility Supervisor
775-847-0419 - Email: msprinkle [at]
Comstock History Center
Vacant, Administrative Assistant
775-847-0281 - Email:
Comstock Historic District Commission